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Our Goal
thank you, WE DID IT!
Every year the Academy supports between 250-280 students with scholarships based on financial need but this year, as a consequence of the pandemic, over 350 at least are in need and eligible for assistance.
This is why the Friends of Bezalel have committed to raising the necessary funds to bridge the gap and secure support for an additional 70 scholarships at the Academy, in order to make sure that all our students have the financial ability to continue on with their studies, despite their circumstances.
And, we need your help to achieve our goal. We will be reaching out to you all month to help us meet our target.
For each full scholarship donated, the donor will receive a personal thank you letter from the student they supported, so you can get to know them and better understand how your contribution is helping them.
We also know that you will miss our memorable Gala gift bags and special boxes, a tradition at the Friends of Bezalel Annual Event.
Don't worry, we would still spread the joy of our talented students and graduates –and send home to our donors this year’s gifts, designed especially for our Student Scholarships Campaign 2021.
We thank you in advance for your partnership and support
From our students in Jerusalem
“In the last year I have had to think twice whether to continue my studies or stop them because of the Corona virus. I stopped working and the period was very complex. With your help I have the freedom to create, realize and sustain my art that strives to critique social and political dictates and express them through various artistic tools and mediums. Your help brings my aspirations, dreams, impulses and creative spirit to become alive.”
“I immigrated to Israel when I was little. I had to grow up fast, all while trying to fit in to a whole different country. Prior to this year (and prior to Coronavirus), I had to work most days of the week to maintain bills. Due to the pandemic this past year I mostly have not been able to work, and have found myself with no extra funds to continue my education. Thanks to the scholarship support, I will be able to finish my schooling.”
“Paying for school should not be a huge problem for students and you are making this problem go away by your donating and support. Your scholarship has opened a door and the prospect of a brighter future and will play a key role in shaping me into a successful person in future. From the people who help free of charge, I get an example of how to be a human and responsive. “

The Friends of Bezalel's Campaign this year focuses on raising support for
Bezalel's COVID-19 Student Support Fund. Our goal is to raise
75 partial and full scholarships
to help alleviate the increased financial burdens our students are facing.
A full scholarship stands at $4,000.
every dollar counts
Donors will receive a special gift donated by Israeli artists, graduates of Bezalel Academy, designed especially for the Friends of Bezalel Campaign.
For a donation of $2,500
The donor will receive a special gift from Maayan Ben Yona.
Maayan is a graduate of the Department of Ceramic and Glass Design. She lives in Jaffa and works from her studio in the south Tel-Aviv industrial area. **

Rectangle Porcelain trays rich in colors and patterns
For a donation of $5,000
The donor will receive a special gift from Gur Inbar.
Graduated from the Department of Ceramic and Glass Design Inbar works primarily with porcelain and stoneware, and mostly on the wheel. He finds inspiration in everything and adopts new techniques and materials into his process. He lives and works in Tel Aviv. **

Porcelain Vase Hand-Painted with stunning strokes and colors
For a donation of $10,000
The donor will receive a special gift from Noa Fein.
Noa Fein obtained a BFA with honors (2011) at the Glass and Ceramic Design Department of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
As well as maintaining her studio practice and exhibiting her glass works, Fein currently serves as a lecturer and manager of the Bezalel academy glass workshop. **

Glassware Vase with breathtaking imagery of birds and Botanical symbols
For a donation of $17,000
The donor will receive a special unique (one off) gifts from Maayan Ben Yona and Gur Inbar. **

For a donation of $25,000
The donor will receive a special unique (one off) gift from each of the three artists
Maayan Ben Yona, Gur Inbar and Noa Fein. **

all donations above $500
will receive a surprise gift bag
* All presents and gift bags will be sent at the end of January 2021
** All pictures from the artists are for reference only.