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About us

Friends of Bezalel provides an invaluable service by supporting the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem, raising much-needed funds and heightening awareness of the Academy, its graduates, and its student accomplishments. The Bezalel Academy is synonymous with over a century of ‎innovation and excellence in Israeli art. The creative energy of the students, alumni and faculty of Bezalel has served as a guiding beacon for Israel’s artistic and cultural world since 1906, and will continue inspiring and shaping it for years to come. 


Past exhibitions and events

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Growing a Garden for an Unknown Lover

Israeli artist Boaz Aharonovitch’s photo-diary Growing a Garden for an Unknown Lover artfully documents a gardening project that took place in his studio. Incorporating photographic works and a single-channel video art installation, the archived garden is created from flowers, vegetation, and containers Aharonovitch collected from his immediate surroundings. He cultivated his plants, staged them to create the most appealing images and photographed them, hoping the images will attract an unknown lover. The outcome of the process is a meditation on the fleeting nature of the garden as a metaphor for the passage of time and longing. Presented in conjunction with the Friends of Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jersualem, at ZAZ10TS, an ongoing cultural initiative that integrates art into the office building at 10 Times Square.

Press realise - Growing a Garden for an

Material ness Exhibition

Materialness curated by Ariel Lavian, explores the complex relationship between material, process, and environment. Opening reception was Tuesday, January 28, 6:00 - 9:00 pm at 213 Bowery St. and it was open until February 3, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm daily.


A Walk of Art

A new fashion exhibition focusing on conceptual, artistic, and extreme footwear, aims to reevaluate the occult power and mystery of shoes. Through more than 60 extraordinary examples, all created by the distinguished alumni and students of Israel’s most prestigious academy – the Bezalel Academy, A Walk Of Art treads the line between art and fashion. Though we are used to thinking of shoes as useful objects, none of the footwear presented here is meant for wearing or walking – in fact, most of the shoes were designed as single pairs and artistic one-offs. Freed from the need to take comfort and marketability into account, the creators were given creative license to express, through shoes, narratives that supersede mere design aesthetics.

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Hamptons Art Excursion

A day full of art. Our first tour began at the LongHouse Reserve.  The reserve consists of sculptures & outdoor art installations surrounded by 16 acres of gardens.  The private tour followed by a picnic lunch.  Next destination was the Barn Show in East Hampton. The final destination was the Parish Art Museum


Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design at AIPAC Conference March 2019

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem participated in the AIPAC Conference in DC from March 24-26, 2019. 
Bezalel Academy was asked to showcase Experimental Design which comes from our Radical Lab within our Fashion Department. We presented 3D printed shoes and jewelry and some other special fashion design techniques.

Miami Art Basel

Please join us to a cocktail reception, held in honor of the Israeli artists showcasing at Miami Art Basel Week 2018. Enjoy a special video screening highlighting the contribution of Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design to Israeli and world culture.


Monday, December 3rd, 9:00-11:00 pm

Parallel Lines

The Parallel Lines Exhibition featured seven female artists who began their career in Israel prior to living and working abroad. The work presented the myriad ways they were able to adopt their culture of origin and blend it with that of their new environment. Six of the seven artists are graduates of the Jewelry and Fashion Department of Bezalel, and the work of all seven encompasses the current state of Israeli jewelry art.


Maison Gerard Gallery, New York, November 12-18, 2018

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Chairman Emeriti

Romie Shapiro*

Martin Blumenthal*

Aaron Etra

Chairman of the Board

Ilan Kaufthal


Honorary President

Blanche Shapiro*


Vice Presidents

Raanan Agus
Sivia Loria
Lauren Presser

Board of Directors

Abby Doft
Jacob Doft
Suzanne Doft
Pam Grodman

Lucy Gitlin

Rena Hoffman

Michael Jesselson
Jennifer Olshin

Lauren Presser

Jennifer Roth
Janet Shatz Snyder
Joshua Tanenbaum





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